Experts in Seafood Trade
"Thank you for your help with our first SIMP audit, we couldn’t have found a better consultant."
The U.S. Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) is a federal regulation administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that requires importers to demonstrate that their products contain only legally harvested fish. Importers must be able to furnish records that:
Validate information reported by a broker to U.S. Customs
Track the physical movement of fish from catch to customs
Prove that the fish was harvested legally
Failure to meet these requirements can result in fines and other enforcement actions.
Having served the architects, technical support, trainers, and managers of SIMP within government, Virgil Group is uniquely qualified to support:
Put your best foot forward with NOAA during SIMP audits. We offer records reviews, chain of custody summary reports for auditors, draft correspondence and assistance on calls with NOAA.

Broker errors in the entry filing process are the #1 finding of NOAA's SIMP audits. Let us help you and your broker navigate entry filing requirements and minimize this completely avoidable risk.

Whether you are considering working with a new supplier or want a refresh on all of NOAA's seafood requirements, we offer confidential assistance tailored to your company's needs.

Documenting a complete supply chain is only half of the government's SIMP audit process. When you need it, we can help with the other half: verifying legal harvest.